
Sunday, February 13, 2011

week's review


So this week's review...i got a lot of wishes and I also went to mcd a lot...there was also the merentas desa that I didn't get to post...

But I tell you was tiring and didn't get anything except a healthier body...but there was also the negative side of the merentas desa...

My hands got even darker...not my face, but my hands, advice is always wear sun block when merentas desa...

Then saturday I went to mcd to meet muaz :D
Then today I went to mcd again with my other friends...and then we karaoke...

Seriously my throat became sore after singing...well thats what you get when you going karaoke XD

Well I guess that's enough for to you guys later
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Saturday, February 12, 2011


whoa its saturday and its time for......the weekly G.M.V!!!!

so yesterday and today i saw this movie was a kids movie but had fun watching it. anyways the movie had a soundtrack that i totally forgot about it...

well i think everyone knows about the movie....its a classic

okay enough with the none helping part and here comes the clue XD

first clue : the frog

second clue : the princess

third clue : Ne-Yo

i hope you guess it cause it's pretty simple or you could just scroll down and watch the video...typical

enjoy :D

The Princess & the Frog - Ne-Yo "Never Knew I Needed"

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Whoa x1002

For your info today is my birthday XD

I feel happy cause this is the only day that I will get the 'happy birthday' from all my friends and relative...

I don't care about the presents, I'm already grateful that I got those wishes...especially my friends that wished me more than once...

You guys are the greatest...seriously school wouldn't be complete without you guys...when your birthday comes i'll try and wish you guys the minute the day comes :)

Sometimes I feel guilty that you guys wished me while I can't do anything in return by only saying thank you....

You guys are the best...and for that i'll say it again...thank you for being my friend for all this years :)

Thank you~
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Monday, February 7, 2011

negative picture day


it's the first ever negative picture day!!!! so i haven't been taking a lot pictures lately but, so i these pictures are old ones...


a picture of eaten mcd foods

and i negative it into this :D

looks 3d? well that's the picture for today wait until next week and i give you more negative pictures


Sunday, February 6, 2011

week review


how time flies when you're having fun or not having fun like me :D

yes the chinese new year is over and i just need to complete my maths and add maths homework and i will not get in trouble tomorrow :)

ok so this week review is not a lot actually....i sleep, i eat and i entertain myself by hearing music...the past few days i feel kinda empty maybe because of my bestfriends are leaving and going to boarding school or its because i fight with my friend that is now i only call as classmate...

seriously this holiday wasn't so fun cause i felt like it was only a day and tomorrow school starts and i don't know what to do anymore....

i feel like i'm lost....i just hope i can find my way back and hope for the best for me and all my friends....

bye :)

Saturday, February 5, 2011



sekejap nya masa berlalu, well is saturday and my blog is doing its G.M.V

this week's G.M.V is all about, well nothing...i just put this G.M.V and ask you guys to guess the music video but i know you guys will just scroll down and watch the video...

anyways let's start this week's G.M.V sahll we?

here goes the first clue....

first clue : december

second clue : snow :D

third clue : snow in the house?!! hat kind of video is this???

here you go this week's G.M.V ...enjoy :D

Thursday, February 3, 2011

ice hockey

Like whoa~

Okay so yesterday, my family had some little reunion so my dad was the one who was controlling the tv remote...

He was watching sports...what kind of sports, well he was watching ice skating with my uncles and me and my cousins got nothing else to do but watch...

Unexpectedly, malaysia entered the ice skating competition and I was can malaysia participate if in malaysia there's no ice or snow and ice rinks...

So I did a little research and finds out that malaysia has a lot(maybe) ice of the ice rinks I know is at sunway pyramid which is for people to enjoy ice skating...and one more is at icity in shah alam, I don't know if icity is a mall or something but I really do wonder....

Where does those who participated for malaysia I tried to find the answer but then, I found out about MIHF - malaysia ice hockey has a facebook...

So when I saw it I was really really wanted to be in but I know it is only a dream :(

But I really want to get into those skates and skate on ice and feel how does the hockey players feel....wish I was in us right now and go to a school that provide ice hockey as their sports....

Hope my blog gave benefits

Bye :)
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today's news

So hari ni punya today's news tak de pape interesting, cuma nak penuh kan blog je...

Well ok, i'll put something interesting hari ni nothing much, just staying at home menghadap phone...sbb abg aku tgh guna computer and bila dia guna computer, dia akan conquer sehingga dia balik aku kenalah online kat phone je....

Apalah aku ni...asyik post pasal masalah aku je, ok lah jom kita ckp pasal citer lain pulak...walaupun hari punya title today's news tapi aku nak citer pasal outing aku minggu lepas...

Aku, muaz ngan haziq pegi tgk wayang...horror movie...paranormal activity 2...bnyk suspen kat dlm citer tu....walaupun cuma citer...bila blek rumah rasa mcm takut semacam

So kalo korg nk tgk citer tu...tgk lah, tgk dvd pun aku harap2 korg dpt benefit baca blog aku...

Post to you guys later

Bye :)
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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

problem, problem

kenapa kan, dia suka sangat emotional...

org gurau sikit dah emotional gila mcm nak mampus....fine lah, ni conversation(kat facebook je) kita smlm yg membuat kan dia emotional sesangat...

dia : naper pegi sepang?

me : kemas rumah

dia : pe ko ni?

me : kalo tak faham jgn tanya

dia : ok fine, camni kan ko skrang

me : of course

saper bleh stuju ngan aku, aku cuma tak. baru sebut satu ayat dah emotional. at least ckp lah lagi skali mcm ni "serious lah"

aku bleh je bg tau it wrong to be playful, argh!!! skrang disebabkan dia emotional nak mampus...dia tak nak bagi module kerja sekolah masa aku tak dtg smlm...

nak tahu mcm mana aku tahu dia tk nk bg hwork aku? dia ckp ni smlm :

dia : pandai2 kau la pikir keje umh yg ckgu bg

serious mcm nak kena penyepak...unfortunately dia pompuan. suka hati dia lah dia nk buat apa dgn hidup dia....nk mati ke, nak toreh tangan ke? who cares....cause i don't aku cuma nak hwork aku saja.....

kalo ko nak emotional mcm ni baik tak payah amik science stream because nnti tmbh stress and ko jadi eh knape aku kisah pulak ni? oh aah aku masih manusia, so baik ko kluar je dari kelas tu supaya aku tak payah nak tengok muka ko lagi

menyampah aku nak tengok....ko comment pasal diri aku, ckp muka aku penuh jerawat lah, bongkok lah, muka lawak lah walaupun aku tengah serious....ko ingat aku tak de hati, nak mempermainkan aku....penah aku ada comment2 pasal ko....

mana ada....sumer sekadar gurauan, ko je yg serious sgt smpai bleh mmbuat kan org lain gila....

i'll remind you one more time....aku tak kisah pasal ko dah, aku cuma nak hwork aku. ko pinjam buku rumusan aku so baik ko bg hwork aku if not bnda yg ko salin dr buku aku, aku tak halal kan....


phew...nasib ada blog, dpt luahkan sumer bnda, well not everything

xperia x10 mini pro

Like whoa....

Tak pernah aku ada henpon secanggih ni, thanks to metrowealth aku dpt jugak beli henpon yg impikan selama cuti sklh tahun lepas :P

Smlm tak rasa lapar pun sebab asyik membelek xperia aku ni. Citer dia cmni, smlm aku mintak mak aku kluarkan 800 dr gaji aku because nk beli henpon.

And bila sampai kat ou, parking full nak mampus. Pening kepala pusing sana sini and muaz skali ikut, sebab dia kira last day kat sini and aku buntu it.

Then dpt jugak park. Then bila dh pegi kedai tu, dpt pulak tahu xperia kat situ cuma ada 2 color je. Hijau ngan pink. Ingat kan nk beli hari lain then tauke tu kata hari ni last day promotion.

Ingat senang ke nak dapat original sony ericsson xperia x10 mini pro dlm harga 799 dr harga asal nya 939.

So aku beli jugak warna hijau. At least ori. And hijau dia belakang je. Mula2 tak suka hijau dia last2 bila dh guna mcm tak kisah :)

Well tu jelah kot bye :)
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Monday, January 31, 2011

my blog time table

so i've thinking not very a lot, but i have make this time table for my blog

monday - is "funny"

tuesday - is "negative picture day"

thursday - is "today's news"

saturday - is "G.M.V (guess music video)"

sunday - is "week review"

the other days will be free posting day....for me :D

if you want to know the stuffs except for G.M.V, just visit my blog on that day....and if i didn't put anything on that day, it will probably mean that i posting it late or i didn't got the chance to post it :D

so enjoy your holiday XD

Sunday, January 30, 2011


i have the lazy disease!!!

everyone does actually. since yesterday was saturday, i was suppose to post the weekly G.M.V but because of the lazy-ness i'm having i'll just put my G.M.V next week.

do you know how hard it is for me to keep doing this blogging very often. since the start of 2011 which means i am almost 16 my homeworks have been a lot and i don't know how to do my homework in the evening because i will sleep or just use the computer.

so i have troubles doing homework during the day. i also have been lazy to do all this blogging because i only open my facebook and my twitter page. for an adult they watch news or newspaper for current updates but for me facebook and twitter my daily news for current updates.

i really need to make a time table that works for me. i also need a way to make my blog interesting. don't give me some ideas i need to think this on my own.


Saturday, January 22, 2011


i feel lazy to update my blog, in fact i feel lazy to update anything. this past few weeks i stayed home and watch glee online, but now i finished watching glee until the latest episode, i don't know what to do.

all my friends are transferring to other schools. i feel kinda sad that i didn't get mrsm. if i just could get another A i could go to MCKK. I feel very empty. My head's a messed cause of the school, a fight with a friend and pimples everywhere.

i feel very tired and i don't feel like it's even saturday. a day of fun and relaxation instead i feel really really down. anyways just to get my blogs rating high i'll put this G.M.V and did you know my first youtube video reached 2000 views.

that's very high for me cause i have nothing in my youtube channel.

anyways you read all this junk because of the G.M.V so here you go this week's G.M.V :

first clue : umbrella

second clue : singing in the rain

third clue : cool :D

well, like i said i've been watching glee this past few weeks so i picked my favourite glee song in season 2 :D

GLEE - "Umbrella-Singin' In the Rain"

Friday, January 14, 2011

look at this~

whoa x power of 2

ok because i couldn't join the school photography club, i took this pic at school while waitng for my mom.
smart tak?

for smk s10 students, i think you can guess where is this place. ohh yeah i didn't tell you why i didn't get to join the photography club.

well it all started a long time ago, last week actually. the school made all kind of prefects will be automatically be in the prefects club. yeah kinda sucks.

but today, i was elected to be the secretary for the club and i was okay cause if i went to the photography's club, i will only get to do nothing as the ordinary members. you need to have a rank or something to take the pictures for the school magazine.

ohh and this will be my new thing on my blog the "look at this"

i will take lame pictures and turn it into cool ones. i hope -.-"

well i think that's just it.


close the window already.

close it.

i mean it.

stop reading.



do what you want to do.

okay i think thats enough.

close it already.

take a picture it will last longer.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

today's news


ok i forgot to post to you guys that my class is now at the highest floor in my school. yeah that's right my classmates won a package prize that includes a lot of stairs and no civilization. okay kidding about the civilization thing but it does involves a lot of stairs.

well that's what we get for complaining about our old class. the old class we called it "kelas kabin", "kelas oven" and also "kelas besi". For your info, we called it oven because it is very hot in there.

but at least my new class is windy but when you go downstairs and want to go back will be very tiring, hurtful and also sore legs. but the class is very high that i can finish my bread while walking up the stairs :D

anyways post to ya later

Saturday, January 8, 2011


special delivery to yes that is right, click to that link and you'll find yourself on my blog...again :D

alright this G.M.V i didn't know what to put so i just put this song.

the video was originally made for youtube and they are awesome. you should just watch it, no need for clues. i'm telling ya that this is the coolest video i've ever seen(maybe) but all i can say that their videos is off the hook.

here are the clues :

first clue : of course youtube :)

2nd clue : love the way you lie?

3rd clue : dynamite? didn't i already made this G.M.V

4th clue : when did my G.M.V has a fourth clue?!!

so what video that can have 3 songs at a time....well they call it a "mash up"


Love The Way You Lie - MASHUP

Friday, January 7, 2011

2nd post for today

whoa x2

yay my youtube channel is seriously empty :D

i want to make videos with my new camcorder...kidding actually, i don't have a freakin camcorder. anyways did you know this is my second post for today, as you can see in "oh oh" i have put about friday if you know what i mean...

anyways this post is for fill my blog with junks that you guys may or may not read, so i just pretend that somebody is reading my freakin blog of nothing-ness.

i call this somebody my imagination readers...because they are readers that were imagine by own brain :D ily brain~

you may think that i am going crazy but you're are wrong, i am not crazy mostly i'm just hyper right now so read my blog read my blog read my blog!!!!!

see im hyper....ohh i should record this to late :(

and i'm not thinking well while i'm writing this post.....

so don't get bored on my blog get bored on i like that :D

i'll keep that don't steal it cause i'll sew you....

whoa that's a lot of un-educational stuffs on my it?

i'll let you decide!!! oohh oohh did you know there will be a blog awards....

and i am one of the nominees :D i'm soo happy !!!! i am so not well right now.....well post to you later

ohh and i put my youtube background the same as my blog...haha don't worry i'll change it after i get a new nice background


oh oh


friend : hey today is friday did you know?

me : what?

friend : i said today is friday.

me : what?!

friend : I SAID...

me : yes i know what you said but what?

friend : (sigh)

me : are serious?

friend : (sigh) yes...

me : are you saying to me that today is friday!!!

friend : how many times do i have to tell you!!!

me : are sure today is a freakin friday?!!!

friend : yup...

me : ok :D

ok i didn't know what to do so i just made this dialogue between me and "friend"....

so how's your holiday? i had a great time surfing, shopping, WHAT!!! when did i did all of that!!!

it's back to school people no more vacationing, start opening your books and sleep~

yeah thats right sleep cause why? i don't even know what am i doing

anyways bye! :D

Monday, January 3, 2011

today's news

i like the title, don't you?

okay today was my first day of school and it was freakin hot. Luckily i got to know some of the teachers are fun and sporting. The other teachers, let's just wait and see what kind of person are they.

i was a little bit awkward because my closes friends are all in different class. my class is 4 Aktif. it is also my first of becoming a Aktif. I don't know if i'll change to Adil or not but i'm still glad that i'm in Aktif.

and i just hope that when the timetable are change the class will get nice and fun to learn with teachers.

and our class are really close to the front gate so we'll be the first ones to go home XD

but the last one to the canteen -.-"

Sunday, January 2, 2011


mmm....G.M.V :)

hehe i forgot to put it yesterday very2 sorry for this. anyways it's 2011 and i am form 4 this year. tomorrow school starts and i seriously can't wait for tomorrow to begin. :D

i just hope i can handle myself in this new class.

okay enough of my needs let's start this thing shall we :)

wait a minute, how do i know you guys are visiting my blog if i even put my G.M.V?
no matter, i'll just put it and pretend people are reading and visiting my blog :D

here are the clues :

1st clue : rain

2nd clue : the desert

3rd : the clue is something or someone in the picture

Selena Gomez & The Scene - A Year Without Rain